Exploring the dark underworld of Japan’s otter craze
TV documentary, online documentary, press articles

Otters and the Exotic Pet Trade
Partnering with World Animal Protection, our in-depth documentary and photo story looks at a trade that is pushing otters towards extinction. The project focuses on otter cafes in Japan, whilst introducing viewers to exotic pet owners across Asia. En route, we learn of the difficulties keeping otters in captivity and ultimately, why otters make for unsuitable pets.
Charismatic Creatures
Japanese otter cafes and social media influencers are driving the demand for pet otters all over the world, with devastating consequences. These otters might be adorable, but the truth behind this trade is anything but. Ripped from the wild or irresponsibly bred, orphaned by poachers and confined in unnatural environments, these otters live a life fraught with difficulties.
Behind the Scenes
Whilst documenting Japan’s otter cafes, we found the otters’ welfare severely compromised. Otters were often confined to small rooms filled with people and allowed to run riot. One otter had even bitten off the end of his tail - a behaviour directly linked to stress.
The trade of otters involves a network of farmers, hunters, collectors, dealers, enforcement agencies, and transportation operatives. The explosion of famous ‘Instagram’ otters is driving the trade, making it a lucrative business with links to the Japanese mafia.